

We're a church of ordinary people who worship an extraordinary God. 

We meet in the picturesque village of Downe in Kent.  Whether you've lived in Downe all your life, are new to the area or are just passing through, we would love to meet you.

We meet on Sundays at 10.30am and 5pm and on Wednesdays at 7.45pm.  

We also have a range of regular weekday activities.


Tim Gardner preached for us on Sunday 21st July.  You can listen to his message "Two ways to live" HERE.



Listen to GBM missionary Reuben Saywell speak about their first two years serving in the Philippines.


We're currently preaching through Philippians in our series

"How to triumph over circumstances."


You can listen to Sunday 14th July's message "Pressing on" HERE



"If your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here" (Ex 33:15)


If you'd like to find out more about what Christians believe, why not sign up for Christianity Explored or come along to Life Explored? Drop us a line to find out when the next course is running.


Big C

We give thanks to God for the life of Jeremy Marshall whose funeral took place on 1st September 2023. You can listen to his talk at Downe Baptist Church in April 2023:

Hope in the Face of Suffering: An Evening with Jeremy Marshall

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